Ride the Lightning
Time: 15 minutes
The Lightning Network CLI is kinda fun, but not very practical. That's why we're installing Ride The Lightning (RTL). A user-unfriendly front end for LND.
Note that this section is dependent on the NodeJS installation. You cannot proceed if you do not have NodeJS installed on the Raspberry Pi.
First, it's time to fetch the source code from RTL.
git clone https://github.com/Ride-The-Lightning/RTL
Dive into the code.
cd RTL
Grab the latest version/tag/release.
git checkout v0.14.1
Now install RTL. Note that this may take about 10 minutes.
npm install --only=prod
RTL also needs to be configured. Create the configuration file (still in the /home/ubuntu/RTL
nano RTL-Config.json
Paste this into it.
{ "multiPass": "password", "port": "3000", "defaultNodeIndex": 1, "SSO": { "rtlSSO": 0, "rtlCookiePath": "", "logoutRedirectLink": "" }, "nodes": [ { "index": 1, "lnNode": "YOUR_ALIAS", "lnImplementation": "LND", "Authentication": { "macaroonPath": "/home/ubuntu/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet", "configPath": "/home/ubuntu/.lnd/lnd.conf" }, "Settings": { "userPersona": "OPERATOR", "themeMode": "NIGHT", "themeColor": "TEAL", "bitcoindConfigPath": "/home/ubuntu/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf", "enableLogging": true, "fiatConversion": false, "lnServerUrl": "" } } ]}
, enter the alias of your Lightning node. Save it with Ctrl + X
and confirm with Y
Open port 3000.
sudo ufw allow 3000 comment "Port for Ride the Lightning"
Should you wish to use RTL from outside your network, you must throw open port 3000 on your router and forward traffic to your Pi.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rtl.service
Paste this.
[Unit]Description=Ride The Lightning DaemonRequires=lnd.serviceAfter=lnd.service[Service]User=ubuntuExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/ubuntu/RTL/rtl.jsRestart=alwaysTimeoutSec=120RestartSec=30[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target
Save it again with Ctrl + X
and confirm with Y
The system should be notified of the new service and can then be started.
sudo systemctl enable rtl
sudo systemctl start rtl
If you want to see if everything started up properly, run this:
systemctl status rtl
If you want an overview of the status over multiple session, use this:
sudo journalctl -f -u rtl
Using your favorite browser, go to the ip address of your Pi:3000
. In my case, it is The RTL interface will appear and ask for a password. The default password is "password". After the first login, you may set your own password. If LND has just been started, RTL will also ask for that password (the lncli unlock
Go to the application directory.
cd ~/RTL
Update the repository with the latest changes via Git.
git fetch --all
Show the latest version/tag/release.
git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`
Retrieve the changes from the latest release.
git checkout -f <OUTPUT FROM PREVIOUS STEP> # for example v0.15.1
Install the software.
npm install --omit=dev --legacy-peer-deps
Restart the RTL service.
sudo systemctl restart rtl
RTL is now updated!